Based on Frank Miller's acclaimed graphic novel, this intense and visually inventive two-part animated film tells the story of a nalternate future for Batman. Although the Dark Knight is retired from crime fighting, Gotham City still needs its hero. In part I, after the death of his protégé Jason Todd, billionaire industrialist Bruce Wayne was forced to retire from his Batman persona. Now, ten years later,Gotham City is overrun with crime and terrorized by a gang known as the Mutants. When the 55-year-old Wayne finds out that former district attorney Harvey Dent, also known as the villainous Two-Face, has gone into hiding, he is driven to don the cape and cowl again to battle the crime epidemic. After Batman rescues her, 13-year-old Carrie Kelley dresses as Robin and helps the aging Batman prevail in a violent conflict with Dent and the Mutants.