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Title Time Price



  • In the pale moon light

    By Stronghobo
    One of the best written episodes in all of cinema I would have payed $20 for just this episode
  • United (Con)Federation of Planets,” Apple???

    By Michael A. Padgett
    (Show some respect and hire writers who at least know the proper name of the Federation.) Of all the progeny of “Star Trek,” Deep Space Nine, in my opinion, is the most non-derivative to me. I loved seeing the dark side of the Federation and the Machiavellian twists the show started taking beginning in the 3rd season were something to look forward to every week. DS9 really took off in the 4th and 5th seasons, with story arcs involving the Dominion War, the Vorta. Meanwhile, the whole Bajoran/Emissary mystery was developed which, as every fan knows, was ultimately concluded in the final episode. The 4th, 5th, and 6th seasons of DS9 are the best. Star Trek lives. and how disappointed I was that Star Trek: Voyager, in juxtaposition to DS9, chose not to
  • ORLY?

    By Inertia186
    So they finally add the missing seasons and raise the price? Class act, Viacom!
  • typo in description

    By ants1216
    its the "Federation" not the "Confederation" who is losing the war
  • Thank you, Apple!

    By Edmund XXIII
    All the episodes are finally here, and we can now own all of DS9 on iTunes. Sweet!
  • All things come to he who waits.

    By Charlie Freak
    Finally! Now we can look forward to the "director's cut"?
  • Finally

    By Firestae
    I am so glad they finally added season 6 and 7
