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Title Time Price



  • Prices

    By soxfanmyke
    My gosh, three weeks ago this season was 12.99, now 45.99! iTunes might want to check themselves. They have gone from a quality, reasonable source to an expensive one. This season, was very good and i enjoyed it, but i paid 12.99. Look for cheaper alternatives people.
  • Thank you!

    By theoilweapon
    Thank you for adding other seasons for download. Great value, too!
  • Where's Star Trek The Next Generation???

    By rpearson7191
    Ok I've finished Star Trek Enterprise and am working on Voyager but I want to know where's STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION??? I miss Jean luc Piccard and his battles of the wits against Q and lets not forget "The Borge".
  • Great Season!

    By Spacealien
    A really good season! Sets up for season 3 which is when it gets really exciting!
  • Takes me back

    By venus2782
    I watched this series religiously when I was a kid. I haven't seen these earlier episodes since I was about ten years old. Having them available on iTunes has been like discovering this series all over again. It's wonderfully acted with thought provoking storylines. Keep these seasons coming! Especially at 12.99, you cannot beat the price.
  • Thanks itunes!

    By ryan.combs93
    itunes I love you! I have been waiting on the rest of Deep Space Nine forever! I love the price keep the good work up!
  • Good Deal but Low Quality

    By frownupsidedown
    When I saw this season for only $12.99 I snatched it up. Of course I love all Star Trek and DS9 is one of my favs. But I was dissapointed because it is lower quality than the first season and other Star Trek shows. Why? You get what you pay for I guess. It's still very watchable but to me "standard definition" does not mean pixellated scenes.
  • Couldn't wait for it!

    By LouisZurich
    I couldn't wait for Season 2. Indeed I already saw Season 3 and purchased one Episode, but it suddenly disappeared yesterday. Can anyone explain?
  • Where

    By 4$VV
    I was preparing to purchase season 3 of DS9, and then it disappeared!
  • Season 3??

    By imhavinagreatday
    iTunes uploaded a partial Season 3. What happened to it?
