Steve McQueen jumps on his motorcycle and leads the way in this thrill-packed adventure that blends top stars, a true-life WWII saga and Hollywood's gift for storytelling into a bravura, blockbuster film.
The Great Escape
By Kbleguy91
One of the best WW2 movies of all time. Incredible cast of legends
One Of The Best Movies Ever!!!
By CE750
This is simply one of the best movies of all time in my mind!!! One of the very view that holds the test of time. One that you can go back and watch time after time and be entertained every time. Based on a true story with an amazing group of actors, most of them are very well known! The best escape story ever told!!!
Great but sad
By lotr fan hm
I watched this with my family for Memorial Day. It was a very well done movie with many funny parts. However it doesn’t end as someone who hasn’t seen it might think. I won’t spoil it, but just beware if you like perfect endings. I think it is great how close they stuck to the actual story which is rare with movies based on books or true stories. Overall I liked this movie and would watch it again. Great acting, great visuals, great story.
Flawed but good
By nocrickets
Better than average for an early 60s WW2 flick from Hollywood. It's got some definite flaws that haven't aged well -- James Coburn's terrible Aussie accent, some cornball acting in supporting roles, and most of all, Steve McQueen, who used his star power to muscle himself a big part, then spends the first half of the film dressed and acting like a 60s beatnik, and most of the second half showing off on a motorcycle in scenes he insisted be added. Sounds like he was a douche to director Sturges and cast members as well. But the movie survives him -- it's epic but exciting, shot in Germany with actual Germans in German roles (unusual for Hollywood at the time), and lots of the other actors take it seriously and do very well. Great Elmer Bernstein score, too.
Great escape
By alvybabyhome
Your movies are way overpriced
By Yourmaster99213
decent movie but it was way too long. it should have ended when the escaped and not continued after that point. had to watch it for a history project but never would have willingly watched a movie this old. its not worth wasting 3 hours of your life to watch it
Why ??!
By sabredwarf
Why is this classic movie not available to purchase? Wake up movie studios and allow Apple to sell this movie. You are loosing money!
Great Escape
By iRichardo7
An all time Five star classic. Why is there no buy option?!
The Great Escape
By Frank Wilhelm
I would like to purchase this movie not rent. Please make this will be available for purchase. Thanks
For sale please!!!!!!!!
By The K00zy
Why is it we spend tons of money for apple products and one of the movies we really want is not for sale, amazon has it?!?!
Don't worry about Hanah Montana stuff get this out already!!