The tale of a young New York City publishing magnate who finds himself on an unexpected roller-coaster ride of romance, comedy, suspicion, love, sex and dreams in a mind-bending search for his soul.
By amandax345
This is unique and different! I really enjoyed it! It had me guessing the whole way though!
[SPOILER] what does it mean to you?
By Shannon Kurt
No review can sum this movie up with words. It has to be watched to be experienced.
I don't like this movie, but it is REALLY good
By Furutan1
This is an intelligent, well-written psychological drama. It is not fast-paced but makes you experience the film rather than just watch it. Tom Cruise's character - a fun loving, irresponsible billionaire - is one that would appeal to many, but underneath he is shallow and very lost, although he dashes through his life at such a speed he doesn't realize it. The story is well-written and well-paced and it leads the viewer to an unexpected place.
So why do I not like it? Because it takes me on a journey that is foreign to me and it makes me experience what life for one certain irresonsible, shallow, young billionaire - someone I would not admire – might be like. The journey is poignant and with a few bruises. Fortunately, it ends in the right place - a place were few people are willing to go - and with a reward that few people are willing to claim. In other words, it's a great movie.
100% plotless
By Pushba
This movie is about nothing. Watching this movie is a waste of time and is like a bad dream.
Open Your Eyes
By Joebean4jp
One of my favorite movies.
By Raydr3w
a taste of everything that paints a picture of what we really are. Humans
still don’t get it
By tarek307
15 years later and i still don’t understand the true meaning behind the film…no one does..thats why its so good
Most underrated film EVER!
By Massive45
Beauty, complexity, suspenseful, funny, everything. Should be in everyone's Top 3. Classic
I still come back to this movie again and agian. My wife won't watch it with me anymore and I can't watch it with others because they either don't get it or I come off as weird so, I watch it alone and just let it wash over me. I have slow motioned throught all the billboards in the Times Square scene to see what was on them all. some strange, some funny , some of cast as kids and worth it if the movie got to you like it got to me. The scene in the elevator and the one in the park with Sofia get me every time man. Fruer, Doot Doot and Nancy's Elevator Beat were hard to find but, I got all the music in the film and it, like the movie will give me pause no matter where or when I hear it. This movie never sleeps in my mind, The shard is in there and I think it always will be.