Whale Wars, Season 1

Whale Wars, Season 1

Whale Wars

  • Genre: Nonfiction
  • Release Date: 2008-11-08
  • Advisory Rating: TV-14
  • Episodes: 7
  • iTunes Price: USD -1
From 9 Ratings


Paul Watson is the captain and founder of Sea Shepherd, a radical environmental group made up of self-proclaimed eco-pirates who fight for marine conservation. Their mission is to confront and stop Japanese fishing vessels from killing whales in Antarctica. Highlighting both the controversial whaling trade and the tactics that Sea Shepherd and its staff and volunteers use to attempt to cripple it, Whale Wars documents the group’s three-month sojourn across the icy Antarctic waters at the far end of the globe. Each episode is a powerful and adrenaline-fueled adventure that spotlights how Sea Shepherd takes action against alleged illegal whaling operations. The Society’s fight to eradicate Japanese whaling on the high seas — where international laws are interpreted by different countries and organizations in different ways — utilizes some aggressive techniques, including ramming and disabling whaling ships; disrupting whale carcass processing; engaging in physical entanglement; and boarding and dispersing fleets of whaling vessels.


Title Time Price
1 Nothing's Ideal 43:08 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 International Incidents R Us 43:08 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 We Are Hooligans 43:08 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Doors Slamming and Things Breaking 43:08 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Ladies First 43:08 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Boiling Point 43:08 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes



  • No stars for these eco-terrorists

    By Dante Seeker
    It's great to protest, but do it within the law. The tactics of the SS are the reason Greenpeace have disowned them. How can you even watch this series.
  • Great Action!

    By sterlsusn
    It was very action-packed. It was awesome!
  • My review is the only one that matters

    By Chester Pluntfarb
    The captain is a coward and quite arrogant but most of the crew seems dedicated to the cause. Far too deficient on action, as it seems that about 80% or more of each episode is spent looking for the whalers or running away from the lookout ships, but entertaining when confronting these sickening Japanese. Equally entertaining is the funny looking 120 pound Barney Fife 2nd mate who seems to have a crush on the captain. Most of their antics, such as the rope meant to tangle itself around the whale ships props, rarely work. I gave it 5 stars because it's more funny than anything.
  • Sea shepherd rocks this world

    By Sirgwatathe3
    K 1st of all these guys have it all right they start with a warning and then procede to action witch I think all activists should do. For all u idiots who think it's wrong to endanger human life for whales don't u think more than 600 whale lifes witch don't contribute to destroying this world is worth more than 1 human life? They have prob a beter right to live especialy in antartica were there not bothering anyone Go sea shepherds gl and I hope to join u some day
  • WORST PROGRAM EVER PURCHASED ON iTUNES!!!! (You have been warned!)

    By TravisTJYoung
    Whale Wars is one of the most disgusting, disrespectful, and dishonest programs I have ever seen. Please, if you have a brain, a soul, a conscience - DO NOT BUY this show. It only supports their violence towards people on behalf of an animal population. Activists that cannot protest using non-violent behavior are ignorant and unworthy of the cause they so passionately support. The WORST purchase I have made on iTunes to date. (And that includes when I accidentally bought "From Justin to Kelly".) Ya, this show is THAT bad. Do yourself a favor and buy anything but this horrible series!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Real Reality

    By Rock Phanatic
    As soon as I saw this show on TV, I got addicted. Since my first time seeing it, I haven't missed a single episode. All hail Sea Shepherds!
  • I would only buy this to laugh at how stupid this is

    By :$3&:?37!:). Chris
    You people who give this 5 stars are idiots. All they do is pretend that their doing something serious when nothings happening, pretend to get shot, or throw stinky butter at the Japanese. This show is the best comedy show on tv because they don't even try to be funny and they make this gold........a bunch of PETA morons trying to be bad***es. Lol I hope no one thinks this is real.
  • A Bunch of Over Dramatic Idiots

    By thegreathippo
    That's really all these people are. They think they are doing the right think but they go about it the completely wrong way. They crash into other ships and endanger the entire crew. Paul Watson spends his time think up insane publicity stunts to draw attention to himself and to make the Sea Shepards look like angels out to save their masters the whales. While I don't like whaling, these people should be banned from sailing and their show taken off air.
  • I LOVE IT!

    By Quickness64
    I went to Alaska the summer before this came out and I saw a lot of whales in the ocean. Since then they have became my favorite animal. When I watched this show it touched my heart. As an animal person to begin with, this made me want to join Sea Sheppard. We need to stand up for the wrong in this world and killing innocent whales is just plain wrong! Good job guys! Thanks iTunes for putting this up for sale!
  • Have fallen in love....

    By yebowena
    Have fallen in love with this series. Can't remember last time I was this excited to see the next episode of something... Well maybe "Prison Break" or Season One of "Heroes". Have really enjoyed watching it on my iPhone but just have to say that Season One Ep Six has awful audio (like a hissing wind throughout and difficult to hear what's being said). A bummer that I had to pay for something that was so irritating to watch. But that's been the only downside... Excellent series. Am downloading the next one right now! Thank-you Animal Planet for bringing this to us... Cheers!
