Unfinished Business

Unfinished Business

By Ken Scott

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2015-03-06
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 31min
  • Director: Ken Scott
  • Production Company: New Regency Pictures
  • Production Country: Germany, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 792 Ratings


In this outrageous buddy comedy, Vince Vaughn stars as an entrepreneur who travels to Europe with two associates (Dave Franco, Tom Wilkinson) to close the most important business deal of their lives. But the journey spins wildly out of control as the hapless trio encounters all kinds of crazy obstacles, including bar brawls, hotel foul-ups, foreign GPS directions, and a global fetish festival!




  • So Bad

    By ATMMD
    Ugh. The word above says it all. But for more details, this movie fails in every aspect. Plot, dialogue, acting, and direction were particularly bad. Movie was awful I could not finish it. So, for me, watching Unfinished Business is an unfinished business.
  • I loved it!

    By p-chan-123
    I thought this movie was great! I love Mike Pancake.
  • Funny x3

    By Curtis Schmitt
    Tom Wilkinson had some really great one-liners in this movie. He was an unexpected delight. Vince Vaughn did his usual schtick well, and Franco’s character was hilariously naive. Some of the storylines with Vince Vaughn’s family were a little sentimental and drawn-out, but led to some laughs so I’ll give that a pass. If you’re not sure what to watch tonight and you like/love Mr. Vaughn’s sense of humor, I think this is worth a go. Hardly a masterpiece but I think it deserves more than 3 stars. 3.5 at least for what I thought were very original situations.
  • Very good movie

    By mramzy
    Worth the money and time
  • As an entrepreneur… I enjoyed it...

    By davidalanco
    Like most of the Adam Sandler movies, this one felt like it was another Vince Vaughn movie where he plays the “same character,” and I understand those that feel that way. However, I truly appreciated it. I think as a guy who travels a lot on business, and deals with juggling the desire to be all things to all people… husband, father, business leader, sales guy, etc… it was very heartwarming, although crude. I’m not disappointed that I watched it.
  • not very funny

    By DeeohdoubleGee
    This movie made me realize how thin Vince Vaughn’s acting really is. He really took a dump with this one. I wanted to like it, but I didn’t.
  • Vince is so much better than this

    By Shane Carrigan
    I felt really bad for Vince the entire film. I watched it on an international flight, and even with it being the only thing in front of me i could not keep my attention on the film. The style was incoherent, the characters were underdeveloped, it was regurgitated plot pieces from early 2000’s movies. It felt like someone who doesn’t make films got drunk passed out and woke up hungover and in a half asleep state pieced together the biggest cliches possible and put it on whatever actors would take the job. I didn’t feel the chemistry between these three. Dave Franco’s character was one dimensional, if even, and made weird skips and jumps in his development and wasn’t exciting or charming. Dave is a better actor than this. Vince Vaughn is a brilliant actor and his charm was the only thing that carried the movie. I could see him reaching to try and make this film unique and relevant, but it seems as there was NO EFFORT WHATSOEVER in writing the film. I couldn’t grasp what the main theme was, what the main lesson was. It just felt really lazy and like someone was trying to reuse the lessons of other films and string them together in a way that didn’t fit, and cash in on the sentimental affect that you could have on easily-sensationalized theater goers in the early 90’s that just doesn’t fly anymore. And it seemed to have the moral structure of a PG rated film with out of place injections of R rated content. The plot points were not carried all the way through. Like they just filmed random things and then tried to decide what the movie would be in post production.. and gave up on that halfway into it.. but still released it. I was actually really disappointed that this film exists, and how these filmmakers got away with taking the studios money. Vince Vaughn I’m sorry you got tricked into this. Did you need the money? Were you doing someone a favor?
  • Fun movie!

    By SaxySingingGuy
    I liked it! Dave Franco is the reason I watched it and he brought the fun to it! He had some really good acting in this one too. Always playing that particular character very well!
  • A Strong Message At It’s Core

    By NeWaGe50
    This film had a few hiccups, sure, but it also offers some fantastic, natural dialogue. Vince Vaughn may always have the shmuck persona, but he really has the humility and integrity that a lot of actors lack. Although there is a bit of excess vulgarity and raunchiness, it all adds to the very message that the film aims to convey, which is don’t let yourself be bullied, nor be a bully yourself. To do so you must be selfless, relentless, stupid, and humiliated in front of the eyes of lust, power, and chaos. This film hits home for me on many levels, I have had similar experiences as his two children, being the victim and perpetrator of bullying, and have also had to drop out of a marathon due to chronic injury and sickness. But this film really offers something that anyone can relate to. This was definitely one of the most underrated films of the year.
  • This movie doesn't even deserve a star.

    By TheKavehJ
    Super boring, limited laughs, awkward performances, Unfinished Business is one of the most boring, uneventful comedies I have ever seen.
