
  • Genre:
  • Release Date:
  • Advisory Rating:
  • Runtime: 1h 36min




  • What it should have been!!

    By beareh
    So much better than the over cut up first version. Wanted to see more and more!
  • The Definitive Justice League

    By RevRob
    So good that there’s no reason to ever again acknowledge the existence of the previous, original, patchwork version.
  • This version represents…

    By Silver-Haired Fox
    A vision that should have been embraced from the start. Except for a very small group who want Superheros, Crime Fighting with a side of Balloons, Candy & Happy Ever after Rainbows for the ending. Watch the Saturday morning cartoons Super-friends, Justice League etc.. for that entertainment. Which I grew up on with a bowl of cereal while my parents slept. Didn’t want to wake up for school but getting up early on Saturday was no problem. Still love those cartoons today.
  • Best movie

    By KB_3000
    Spectacular…The justice league movie we deserved.
  • Perspective matters

    By ProfPolish
    Is this the greatest superhero movie ever, no. Is this the best DC movie ever, no. So why 5 stars, well because it’s uncanny how this same story was told with the same actors and much of the same footage and managed to be so different, and so awful. “Josstice League” was so bad, I mean it was unbelievable how bad it was. It’s the plight of so many stories, especially comic book adaptations. DC has done everything it could do to mess up its own brand, and this movie is proof. If DC really wanted to make great films they’d have let the Snyderverse happen.
  • Do not watch movie…

    By Fredbird71
    …unless you like crappy remakes. ZS took the original version, which was more in keeping with Wonder Woman and Aquaman, and turned it into a dark, hard to watch piece of junk. All the light, humor and humanity out and replaced it with dark, gritty marathon which is too heavy to watch all at once. It’s actually worse than the Robert Pattinson Batman movie, which I really didn’t think was possible. The one-star rating was the lowest I could give it.
  • A Fantasy Drama

    By playindafoosball
    This isn’t much of an action movie as much as it is a drama. Lots of dialogue and the words weren’t spoken clear enough by the actors. Tons of closeup slow motion sequences. Clearly more of a drama story about the Justice League. Still a good superhero movie.
  • 5 star 💫 movie !!!

    By nonzense
    If you reading this… it just comes to show how a 1 star rating will go on the top of the list. Warner bros. Picked personal hate and self ego over a creation. purposely destroying the creative board that was once creating the DC Universe. Again they chose hate and ego, and have dropped crap film after losing their creative board… You know the saying older movies have an actual meaning.. well its true if those who pay to make movies dont even watch a movie.. get it … make a movie … who cares if its crapp… who even watches them more then twice … blah blah blah im super rich and fff hella women . Blah
  • Epic!

    By Jan.Ortiz
    This made it justice to what DC should be . I love the dark side it has but definitely well done , there could be some parts that would be better with a bit of a change but it’s DC .
  • Great Movie, but it is in Fullscreen!!!

    By SrDragonWolf
    Great Movie, but it is in Fullscreen, where is the Widescreen version PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! Who watches movies in full screen anymore, are we going back in time? None of the TVs are even full screen anymore! Please, it’s been 20 years since someone had a full screen TV. And, it’s been 60 years since they made a movie in full screen, let’s get with the times folks!!!
