In this outrageous comedy, five brave scientists are forced to face life forms more perplexing, more terrifying, more annoying than anything they've ever encountered: Pauly Shore and Stephen Baldwin.
This movie is a crime against humanity
By Fletch F. Fletch
The fact that there are people that voted five stars for this... a clear indication that society is too sick to survive.
Viva Los Bio-Dome
By Ha rule
In a world were guys from 1982 don't leave terrible comments about moves (the only other comment) and a dip that is bio'd is the only hope for humanity. Two average joes and a mahi-mahi take on the effects of global warming and lack their of (liberal butthurt ahead!!!!!)! so sit back, relax, order a pizza, find some nugs, and start thinking globaaaaaaly.....
Lower the price
By MRoose82
Lower the price to buy to like 5 bucks then yeah I'll get it