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  • ?

    By zero616
    Where is the second half of season 8?
  • Great comic, but motion comic falls short.

    By Savannah Allyson
    I love Buffy to death and I was very impressed with the Season 8 comic and how much the voices of the characters (especially Xander and Faith) came through and shone. But this motion comic definitely falls short. The very poor voice acting does not do the writing justice and it does not represent the characters very well at all. This makes me very sad, seing as how many people could have been involved that would have actually tried to represent each character's voice. (Not just the original actors. The voice acting could definitely have been a lot better than it was...) Great comic, but the motion version falls short and makes me sad...
  • Still going strong!!!

    By Rea314
    I was very skeptic on the comic book period, but I actually fell back in love w/ the series all over again. This Motion Comic Book is amazing. It picks up right where Season 7 left off. The characters voices is something I had to get used to, but what can I say? Its still great! The details, the writing, and even the music on this keeps everything very entertaining. There is no other or better way to keep the Slayer Elegy Alive. I would definitely recommend this to anyone, even if you arent a fan of the series. Its balls out entertaining and keeps you on edge. The writing to this comic series I would have to say is a lot better than the show. The cliffhangers really give this series an edge and drastic change compared to the show. W/ that being said: WHERE THE F*** IS THE REST OF THE SERIES!?!?!?!?!?!
  • Would probably be amazing...if it was complete

    By Huffdogg
    If iTunes does this type of thing again, it would probably be a good idea to make clear that what you are paying for is an incomplete portion of the actual full season. The content is excellent, and has the complete feel of one of Joss' works. The storyline is quite well done, character development is very satisfying, and it looks wonderful. It's just not all there. Season 8 encompasses 40 issues. This has half of that. When you consider how short each episode is, it makes this a pretty unsatisfying purchase.
  • Please sir, can I have some more?

    By tac6923
    Come on y'all. Bring it!
  • Good first half.

    By BCRice
    Although I would have preferred lip synch and I would have preferred the entire 8th season be available, so far through these episodes I've enjoyed it. The big problem with season 8 (opposed to season 9 thus far) is that things ended up getting too enormous and ridiculous, so that when you have the epic moment that closes out season 8, it just can't quite hit the mark because it's all just too absurd by that point. These early issues were fantastic, though, and I'd buy all the latter episodes just to be able to experience said epic moment in motion comic form. Five stars because I love motion comics and I love Buffy and because they need to finish the rest of the season!
  • Nah...not for me.

    By RalphieBotJr
    Honestly I dislike where they took the story and theres a lot of things that I thought were unnecessary. I couldn't get into the comics at all. For me Buffy ended at season seven.
  • Great for fans of the show

    By Rcadid
    1. Don't worry if you're not familiar with motion comics; you'll get used to the format quickly. 2. The storylines are as engrossing as ever, with much of the show's writing crew being retained. 3. The voice acting doesn't take away from the stories, though parts of the characters' personalities and the cadence of the writing are lost. The actors for Buffy and Willow in particular are miles away from their TV versions, which is to be expected. Others approximate their TV counterparts very well, especially Faith. Overall, it's an awesome medium for continuing the Buffy saga. It's a relatively seamless transition from season 7 to 8. Just don't expect it to be very similar to the show.
  • Amazing

    By Sharo7
    at first I wasn't to sure about a comic series but it was amazing the plot is crazy awesome and I was hooked yet again but from what I've herd there are more than just 19 issues I need to see the rest can't wait for them to come out!
  • Need More Please....

    By ColdZero5150
    Although I will forever miss my Buffy Tv nights, this comic series wasn't bad, and now that you have me hooked again WHERE ARE THE REST! Don't tell me you built me up just to throw me off the cliff.....again.
