Dinosaur Train, Vol. 1

Dinosaur Train, Vol. 1

Dinosaur Train

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 2009-09-07
  • Advisory Rating: TV-Y
  • Episodes: 8
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
From 36 Ratings


DINOSAUR TRAIN is seen through the eyes of Buddy, a preschool-aged Tyrannosaurus Rex. Buddy and his adoptive family of Pteranodons go for adventures on the Dinosaur Train to meet all kinds of dinosaurs in different eras and learn fascinating new facts about these incredible creatures.


Title Time Price
1 Valley of the Stygimolochs / Tiny Loves 28:16 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 The Call of the Wild Corythosaurus / Tri 28:36 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Beating the Heat / Flowers for Mom 28:36 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 I'm a T. Rex! / Ned the Quadruped 28:36 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 One Smart Dinosaur / Petey the Peteinosa 28:36 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Fast Friends / T. Rex Teeth 28:36 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Now With Feathers! / A Frill a Minute 28:36 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 One Big Dinosaur / Play Date With Annie 28:36 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes



  • There are actually 40 episodes in season 1?

    By expat mama
    I discovered recently that iTunes producers are in the habit of regularly shorting the "full seasons" of children's programming. It seems this is the case for the Backyardigans, Curious George, and Dinosaur Train, though I imagine it to be the case with the other children's programs I have purchased. Unfortunately, I had already bought seasons 1 through 4 of Backyardigans, 1 through 3 of Curious George, and the first 2 seasons of Dinosaur Train when I realized that I was being cheated by iTunes producers. I will NEVER purchase children's programming from iTunes again with out having first checked to see that the "full season" is in fact complete! As a parent, I consider carefully what programming I allow my children to watch, I didn't realize that I needed to consider just as carefully whether a trusted source for programming was indeed worthy of that trust. SHAME ON YOU ITUNES!
  • They will love it

    By Merrilh
    My daughter loves this series!
  • thanks

    By llornkcor
    Thanks a lot, Dinosaur Train... Now my 3 and 5 year olds know more about dinosaurs than me, causing me to have to research them. so I can answer their questions! ;) Last time I paid attention, paleontologists only thought they had discovered a fossil that had something that appeared to be like feathers. and it was controversial. Shows my age at any rate.
  • Two Year Old Son Loves It!

    By Kae.W
    My two year old son absolutely adores this TV show. He loves learning about all the different dinosaurs and watching their reactions. I love it because it shows that there can always be that one odd kid out in a family that doesn't exactly look the same as you, but you treat him the same no matter what. When we go on long car rides, we cannot take my Touch away from him. He sits so silently and just watches the show over and over again.
  • My 11 year old loves it!

    By mikachu115
    My child watches it evreymorning at 700 on pbs kids that show inspired her to be a palentoliogst and she can even recite her dinosaur ABC's
  • It's okay

    By Dr Snickets
    Cute animation and tons of interesting facts about the age of the dino. What bothers me is the condescending voice in which these facts are delivered to the children: hyped up and over exuberant as if children wouldn't get the message when talked to in a normal voice. Unfortunately, this show is not alone in this (other kids shows too are guilty). If they could just tone it down a tad, it would be the perfect way to teach and entertain kids greatly.
  • Need more episodes!!

    By jascoop2
    My boys LOVE this show. It combines two of their favorite things (see show title if you haven't guessed what they are)!! We just need more episodes, 8 just isn't cutting it iTunes!!!!
  • the best educational program

    By arslocum
    my kids love this program but i wish there were more seasons I even watch this program and i have leasrned dinosaur facts my self that i had forgotten it is all around a wonderful program
  • quadrapeds, herbavores, and more!!!

    By yellowpolkadot
    all three of my kids ages 2-5 LOVE this show!!! And, it's fun, and educational, which I love!! Last time we went to the zoo, my 5 year old and 3 year old were on the lookout for quadrupeds and bipeds (all on their own, i might add, no prompting by me) and every animal we saw they would ask if it was a carnivore, herbivore, or an omnivore!! Amazing!! love that it teaches so much about dinosaurs (which my 2 year old is obsessed with), but everything they teach is related back to living animals and is applicable to the animal world today (like 'every animal poops' teaching about digestion and diets). Fun, and educational-Keep em coming!!
  • My 12 year old son loves it so much!!!!

    One of the best shows made for my son and everyone else
