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Title Time Price



  • Awsome

    By ali chegini
    Breaking bad is one of the best series that i ever have seen. It's perfect and actors played very well
  • Great show

    By Skreview
    Love this show
  • What the -BLEEP- is going on?

    By pfdrtom
    I don’t care who censored my purchase, I just should have been warned! I do not like abridged books, songs edited for the radio or movies/tv shows that get chopped up and sold on line mis-leading the buyer in to thinking that it is the original. Apple or AMC, it doesn’t matter. There should have been a warning in which case I would not have spent my money.
  • Apple destroys art

    By Enjoy the ride
    It is absolutely appalling that Apple once again destroys the integrity of a work of art by unnecessary censorship. The purist fanatics from the iTunes store destroy culture wherever they find it. If you're not able to respect the creators intentions then don't f===ng sell it!
  • Earned the 5 stars

    By el7ommed
    As a busy man, I don't watch tv shows; but this particular one was worth it.
  • Great show...great price

    By Adil3210
    Im really glad iTunes did a weekend special deal on the 1st season of Breaking Bad...just hoping they do the same with the rest soon. Its kinda a bummer that cursing is censored though :/
  • Great Show

    By Emr556
    I think everyone should have this show in their archives.
  • One of my favorite shows ever

    By Dan94114
    Ok, this and Melrose Place. lol. I watched all 5 seasons through twice. Yeah, never done that before. Insanely great acting, interesting storyline, plots and subplots. So great. Really a classic. Warning: There is super graphic and disturbing stuff. That’s the only reason why people probably don’t like it I’m guessing. I’m not usually into that either, but this show is so good I was easily able to overlook it. Also, I have a serious problems with the use of the word “fag” in shows and I could have definitely done without that.
  • Best show I have ever seen ever!!

    By Hatty Hattington the first
    I thought the walking dead was the best show I had ever seen and then I saw this. I was like meth? That sounds weird for a tv show even though it sounds weird if you can handle all the cussing it is an amazing show! Just watch the first season and almost guaranteed you will be hooked!
  • Pete

    By Jaws high budget
    It was good nor but the only problem I had was as Harold they did not Center anything to get that it has a key at being anything out or anything in all didn't believe anything. Siri thout I said that
