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  • Mixed Feelings

    By Irvin2020
    I’ve got mixed feelings on this TV show. I think it’s kind of silly and a little cringe-worthy at times, but I think your kids will like it when they’re young. The thing I don’t like is that they’re changing the endings of old literature. I am against that, but other than that, it’s very educational for kids. Besides this show, the only thing that would serve as additional education for your kids is to have them read the real stories before watching this show, so that they know the true endings and not believe that the endings in “Super Why!” are the true ones. With all of that being said, it’s educational, your kids will love it, but the endings to me is the only weakness of this TV show.
  • This is good!

    By TheMartinator
    I like the stories and adventures! I think little kids will really enjoy this, too!
  • Fantastic for child with apraxia

    By ShannonTx
    My son has apraxia and this is like free speech therapy for him. He adores the show and it helps him make sounds! Love it!
  • Great Learning show

    By Army Wife and Mother
    My 2 year old watches this show all day every day, we have switched from the major tv channels for kids to PBS only and she already knows all her upper and lower case letters and what sounds they make!! She has a step brother whos 4 1/2 and in prek she has surpassed from watching this and word world and doing flash cards deffinately recommend this for fun, problem solving and alphabet skills!
  • Hip Hip Hooray! I Never Thought I'd See The Day...

    By Philuana
    My wife and I have been working with our two-year old son to learn his alphabet. He has been stuck in a rut for a while and showing no signs of improvement. We started watching "Super Why!" together and in a matter of a handful of episodes, he can say every letter in the alphabet!! He is even starting to recognize the letters. The iPad App has been very helpful for him as well.
  • Goodbye babytalk hello alphabet

    By Im-App-Crazy
    My sister is only 18 months and has now learned sentences and the alphabet with super why! I even love it the songs are amazing and everytime it comes on she lights up! Im 14 and even i love it! Im going to buy the whole 1st season and work my way up.
  • My friends are wearied

    By Elisa girl
    Whair do the why fliers come from?
  • Great show for kids starting school

    By Beachbum1999
    My sister watches it and has the board game great show teaches kids alot unlike caillou
  • Excellent Educational Program

    By Morbid21
    My son is 3 years old, and in 2 weeks he learnt the full alphabet and he is even starting to sound out words!
  • Great show.

    By raejenns
    Super Why is great for kids learning to read. It goes through letter sounds, differentiates between uppercase and lowercase, and shows the power of word choice and vocabulary. My 4 year old claims she doesn't like it at first, but now says she likes how they do the alphabet and change stories.
