Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Season 3

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Season 3

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 2005-07-22
  • Advisory Rating: TV-G
  • Episodes: 13
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
From 472 Ratings


What's a kid to do when they outgrow their imaginary friend? Drop 'em off at Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, that's what. In Season 3, Bloo and all the other imaginary friends pack Madame Foster's mansion with more fun and chaos than you can imagine. More even than Goo can imagine. And that's a lot!


Title Time Price
1 Camp Keep a Good Mac Down 22:50 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Eddie Monster 22:40 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Hiccy-Burp 22:57 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Foster's Goes to Europe 22:41 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Imposter's Home for Um...Make 'Em Up Pal 22:54 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Duchess of Wails 22:45 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Land of the Flea 22:50 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Setting a President 22:51 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Crime After Crime 22:51 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Cuckoo for Coco Cards 22:50 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Go Goo Go 22:59 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 One False Movie 22:31 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
13 Room With a Fued 22:41 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes




    By awesome dude 09
    I recemened this show to anyone it is a great show and I LOVE IT!!!!!!! But I really hope itunes could put the lost claus episode on it is the best episode i have ever seen and i would pay any amount of money for it.
  • A lost claus????????? missing episode!!!!

    By pinkandgreenranita
    Why is the holiday special not included with the season or even available on iTunes?????????. Please get it ASAP!.
  • Oh my

    By Loooooojsfhot
    Oh goo where art thou goo you made me laugh more than cheese and the show helped my imagination grow so i could be the artist i am today as my friends and i watch this i was assigned goo or cheese to match my personality
  • Everything except one thing...

    By RyanCBurgess
    It's great that the whole series of Foster's is now available on iTunes, except one episode I don't see here ..."A Lost Claus". Yes, I know it's a Christmas special, but I think it should be made available with the others. So why isn't it iTunes?!?
  • Laugh or Rip you Hair Out

    By Saint Logos
    The show took everything that it was already and amplified it even more. This is where they fully embraced there formula I mentioned in reviews of the previous two seasons. Almost every episode here is highly memorable, and annoying in the best way possible, even if the some of the first few were overly juvenile. I can't think of a single, non-Cheese related scene in Foster's more memorable than Bloo's unveiling of his big movie in One False Movie. The sense of humor was a bit too childish for adults to enjoy in a few of these, but it was usually neccesary. I strongly reccomend this season. There was so much great blatant-style humor in here ("These scandalous tapes show that just twenty years ago, Franky couldn't talk and did nothing but eat, sleep, and cry all day"). Know that I haven't seen this show much in years, so my reviews may not be totally accurate. When I was a child, though, I thought that this was one of the funniest shows of all time. You should know that "A Lost Clause" is missing. Which is sad, becuase it is one of the few episodes that worked on more levels than just comedy.
  • Cuckoo for coco cards

    By NJgovernor
    It's funny when Bloo try's to lay an egg but let's a fart out LOL!!!!!!! :D
  • A Lost Episode

    By hop.byxbee
    I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!! but where is " a lost claus" ;(
  • Where?!

    By Hugh Jannus
    I have every episode made except for A LOST CLAUS! other than the shorts-plz add them too-If that episode get on iTunes my collection will be complete!
  • I WILL BUY WHEN.....=]

    By fosters guy
    this show is a huge part of my childhood im 17 now and i was prolly 12 when this show aired and it just made a impact on my life its full of imagination i love it i cant go a day without thinking about this show... i guess you should call me a super fan haha =] but my 1 fav!!! episode EVER OUT OF ANY SHOW isnt on here " A LOST CLAUS " and i will buy this as soon as you put it on i cant find it any where else so idc if u made "A LOST CLAUS" 5$ lol id still buy it and love it!!! thank you soo much for listening. and click yes to get A LOST CLAUS on here =] CLICK YES=]! cody.
  • Best of all time

    By Verttn22
    This show is easily the most creative and enjoyable show ever to hit Cartoonnetwork. Someone should contact Apple to add A Lost Claus, because it is a fantastic episode.