Doctor Who, Season 11

Doctor Who, Season 11

Doctor Who

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 2018-09-04
  • Advisory Rating: TV-PG
  • Episodes: 23
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 9.99
From 2,986 Ratings


Bigger and bolder than ever, this season marks the arrival of Jodie Whittaker, the Thirteenth Doctor – a super-smart force of nature – alongside a team of new and delightful characters.


Title Time Price
1 The Woman Who Fell to Earth 1:03:13 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Closer Look, The Woman Who Fell to Earth 05:20 Season Only Buy on iTunes
3 The Ghost Monument 48:56 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Closer Look, The Ghost Monument 05:11 Season Only Buy on iTunes
5 Rosa 49:47 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Closer Look, Rosa 04:45 Season Only Buy on iTunes
7 Arachnids in the UK 49:31 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Closer Look, Arachnids in the UK 05:08 Season Only Buy on iTunes
9 The Tsuranga Conundrum 50:48 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Closer Look, The Tsuranga Conundrum 05:28 Season Only Buy on iTunes
11 Demons of the Punjab 50:13 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 Closer Look, Demons of the Punjab 05:32 Season Only Buy on iTunes
13 Kerblam! 48:58 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
14 Closer Look, Kerblam! 04:32 Season Only Buy on iTunes
15 The Witchfinders 46:40 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
16 Closer Look, The Witchfinders 04:33 Season Only Buy on iTunes
17 It Takes You Away 49:21 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
18 Closer Look, It Takes You Away 03:41 Season Only Buy on iTunes
19 The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos 49:49 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
20 Closer Look, The Battle of Ranskoor Av K 05:23 Season Only Buy on iTunes
21 Trailer 00:42 Free Buy on iTunes
22 Welcome Jodie 02:28 Free Buy on iTunes
23 It's About Time 02:01 Free Buy on iTunes



  • 😑

    By jake hurd
    Jodie seems to be a good doctor but the story telling kind of seems to just portray white males as monsters previous seasons of doctor who weren’t political Jodie deserves better. This season is hard too watch I miss the old doctor who writers 😔
  • Unwatchable

    By Desertdog6
    I’ve been watching Doctor Who for 37 years. I’ve not always loved each regeneration the Doctor has transformed into, but I never actually disliked any of the versions we have met. That is until 13 came along. I don’t get why the writers insist on treating the audience as though we have IQs in the mid 80s. JW acts like a kindergarten teacher. In my opinion this sets an extremely poor example for the first female Doctor. Would it have been too much to ask to have a character similar to River Song? Someone who presumes the people she speaks with aren’t imbeciles, can use deductive reasoning and observation to understand the phrases they have never heard before? One more thing: the companions. I get the feeling the BBC is having a go at all the people who have complained on social media over the years regarding the Doctor being a man, the companions usually being White (they never seem to remember Martha & Mickey), and the age of the characters on the show (which is absurd considering the Doctor Donna, Wilfred, Jackie, and River - not to mention all the supporting characters such as Harriet Jones, etc). That being said, the companions this season feel as though the casting department wanted to check every minority / age box possible. It’s actually distracting to have so many companions. After the disaster that was Clara, then the bigger disaster of Bill (extremely low IQ, and seemed only to be focused on sex, which was an insult to 20-somethings), I was shocked that the show runners thought this direction was going to make loyal fans happy. They should remember that Twitter isn’t reality. If it was, Trump would be president, Covid would be eradicated by a miracle, and the Nazis would have never killed more than 6 million people. Doctor Who is successful worldwide because the stories resonate with people no matter who they are, or where they live. Dumbing the show down in an effort to be more inclusive is an insult to everyone who watched the show for decades. DW isn’t Sesame Street, and nor should it be. Just as every other tv show produced won’t resonate with everyone who watches tv shows, DW isn’t for everyone. And that’s okay. I just wish the show runners and the BBC would realize that.
  • #NotMyDoctor

    By Jacq9362
    We all know why
  • What was this?

    By Doctorwhathappened
    After an ok first episode, we steadily go downhill. It is very boring. What was a fun, adventure show has become a preachy, after-school special. Jodie had potential but she doesn’t really develop as a character of her own. She borrows way too much from the Tennant and Smith Doctors in her performance. The companions are just there, very lackluster. Graham is the only one that feels real. Unfortunately, they act as yes men and just follow the Doctor around. No questioning or challenging a character who has always dabbled in a greyish area, morality-wise. The scripts are not good overall, but for me, the biggest disappointment is just the utter boredom and uninterest this series has inspired in me after loving this show so much. I will not add this nor the next series to my collection.
  • Rosa Parks, ‘nuff said

    By ixworks
    Back to what I love about Doctor Who...Rosa Parks is a great episode. Hope it continues with the new doctor. Feb 2020: the episode after Rosa started into social justice for things I don’t think belong in the Dr Who universe and I don’t want a lecture, I want to be entertained. I’ll watch from places where I’m not paying outright to see if it gets better. Or, is there anything after Rosa that someone could recommend
  • Amazed by the "Long-time Dr. Who-watcher" Reviews

    By Man, Myth, Legend
    I've been seeing this fairly consistently across social media, etc. So many so called "Long-time Doctor Who watchers" complaining about the writing and stories in this season. They are both wrong about the writing, and their basic premise of the history of the show. The shows writing is great, and the stories offer good role-models and make you think about interesting, challenging messages. Dr. Who has always been about morality, doing what is right, and fighting for equality. People that are complaining that the show has too much social commentary seem to be unaware that Dr. Who (and really all good sci-fi) has always been a vehicle for exploring the present. It seems like people have complained the most about "Rosa", which I really don't understand. Does anyone really think that an episode that condemns racism is bad. Especially when that story tries to ground in message in actualy historical events. It seems like certain watchers may be unhappy with actually being forced to think about current and recent events. As for the writing and characters, I love the new Doctor. She is very likable. Upbeat. Resourceful. Intelligent. Everything I would want for a role model. The dynamics between the new group is fun. Very "Box Car Children"-ish. I do agree that character development is a little hard with three companions, but I feel like the writers have pretty good paths for each member of the cast. So, yes, if you are looking for a mindless hour of television, go watch Transformers or something like that. If you are looking for good role-models and stories that are willing to attack difficult topics, this latest season of Dr. Who delivers.
  • Jodie is Amazing!

    By Abyssal-King
    I really enjoyed series 11, Jodie is an amazing doctor and I hope she stays awhile and develops further.
  • One of the best seasons of modern Who

    By B Wisen
    I was a big fan of modern Doctor Who from Eccleston onward. It was one of my favorite shows for years. Around the 3rd Matt Smith season, the show's quality began to dip and I found myself still watching but enjoying the show less over time. By Capaldi's last season, I felt the show had been mediocre for too long and finally gave up on it half way through the season. I only bought this season because it was on sale. I had not heard many positive comments about it. After watching, I don't get the complaints. What a difference a new show runner makes. This is not just a great season of Doctor Who, it's a great season of any television show. The character development of the companions (especially Ryan and Graham) is fantastic. I can't believe people said the season had too many companions. The directors of individual episodes do a fantastic job making the show more visually appealing than in the past. Having given up on the show and coming across this season was like running into someone you used to really like that developed massive issues, then running into them again years later and they've figured it all out. Give this season a shot. I can't guarentee you'll like it, but I'd completely given up on the show. What a foolish move by me. Give this season a chance. Clearly some people don't like it, but I loved every moment.
  • Great!!

    By MJMJ93
  • I'm sick of the political correctness.

    By mhc365
    Jodie is amazing. She gets five stars. The show does not. I am a huge fan. I liked watching Doctor Who to escape the problems of the real world and get lost in the complex story arcs and fun banter of a rogue time traveler. But now when I watch the show I have to put up with the same political correctness and social issues that I'm sick of in the real world. It's not fun to watch anymore and I'm sick of this content being forced down my throat and ruining the entire point of the show. And why are we casting actors using nothing but little checkboxes for minorities procured? True, the show represents lots of minorities, but none of the actors' performances are interesting. Can we please just hire the best actors, regardless of their race? Martha, for example, was awesome and just happened to be black. Currently, I don't care about any of the characters because their portrayals are sub-par. Except for Jodi. Please fix the show by removing hot social issues from the script, casting the highest caliber actors, and adding some trademark brain-twisting story arcs that span several episodes. Give Jodie a chance to be remembered in a better way.
