I'm Sorry, Vol. 1 (Uncensored)

I'm Sorry, Vol. 1 (Uncensored)

I'm Sorry

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2017-06-12
  • Advisory Rating: TV-MA
  • Episodes: 16
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 19.99
From 4 Ratings


Created by and starring Andrea Savage, this series follows seemingly confident comedy writer, wife and mom Andrea, who comically exposes her inner immaturity and neuroses through unexpected life situations. Joining Savage in the first season are series regulars Tom Everett Scott as Andrea's straitlaced husband, Mike; and newcomer Olive Petrucci as Andrea and Mike's inquisitive daughter, Amelia.


Title Time Price
1 Pilot 24:55 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Racist Daughter 24:54 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Ass Cubes 24:45 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Goddess Party 24:42 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Acts of Service 24:45 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Too Slow 24:45 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Divorce Fantasy 24:44 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Butt Bumpers 24:45 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Weekend Alone 24:44 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Off the Charts 24:44 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Sneak Peek 02:07 Free Buy on iTunes
12 Behind the Scenes with Andrea Savage 02:24 Season Only Buy on iTunes
13 Behind the Scenes with Tom Everett Scott 01:44 Season Only Buy on iTunes
14 Behind the Scenes with Olive Petrucci 01:33 Season Only Buy on iTunes
15 What's Tea Bagging? 01:15 Free Buy on iTunes
16 Season Preview 01:37 Free Buy on iTunes



  • Great

    By Blake959496
    Awesome show
  • Savage af

    By snowballeffect1
    Hands down one of the funniest shows I have every watched. Every episode made me laugh! I watched the first season a couple times and cant wait for season 2!!
  • Awesome Show

    By Bakkethebest401
    I would love to see more episodes
  • I love this show! (More Manzoukis!)

    By xanadu7
    As bad as this sounds, I love this show for it's lack of teachable moments! It's just funny & that is worth alot these days. The stories on this show are being told from a perspective that I love: a woman functioning in the many roles/relationships in her life without her seeming an hysterical mess begging for recognition. A woman, simply, living her life, ridiculous situations and all. I love that because underneath the smart writing & hilarious situations, that's kind of what the show is about and it's real in that way. I mean, we just kind of live our lives and rarely point out how hard it is to be a woman (though it is). We push on, achieve, and get through it. So I appreciate that. That aspect frees me up to actually enjoy the show. Life is hard enough. It's good to find something to just make you laugh & is purely entertaining. And, as always, Jason Mantzoukis is the MVP of everything he's in! My only criticism would be that Savage could take a breath from dialogue to allow some of the bits to land & kind of let the audience squirm with her. Episode one was perfection, btw! Recommend!
  • Too Funny and We Need More Episodes

    By Glow0880
    I heard Andrea Savage on the Adam Carolla Podcast and it got me interested in the show. I binge watched all the episodes and all I can say is there needs to be more created soon. She really captures the tone, mood, and pacing of what great comedy can be. Super insightfull and packed pull of punches. Keep up the great work!
  • Super funny

    By Ryan amazing
    The is amazingly funny you because you don't know what she is going to say next !
  • surprisingly delightful

    By El Wilde
    This more crude humor is rarely my thing, but the often self depreciating delivery and the often acerbic tone make this a pleasure to watch. I'd say overall it just feels real as though you're watching reality tv, not "reality" tv which is scripted melodramatic trash for garbage people, but reality in the sense that if you got the superpower of invisibility and walking around these people as though they actually exist. Huh this kind of got away from me, well anyways I'd say a promising start - haven't really seen growing pains which helps the truth of it - I look forward to the journey.
  • Crude Humor That Works

    By Duffdaddy78
    If you are into movies like 40 Year Old Virgin, or any movie Judd Apatow came out with in the mid 2000's than you will like this show. It's vulgar, and gives a somewhat honesty to every day adulthood. If you don't like raunchy humor or you feel the need to keep a clean comedy schedule in your life this show isn't for you. But, I personally think it's refreshing and fills voids left from the likes of Parks and Rec and shows that allow you to connect with characters. Give it a shot, be open, and watch it without the kids! Let it be your guilty pleasure.
  • Just gross

    By cyberdoc
    Not funny enough to cover the foul stench.