The Bureau, Season 1 (English Subtitles)

The Bureau, Season 1 (English Subtitles)

The Bureau

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2016-05-31
  • Advisory Rating: TV-MA
  • Episodes: 11
  • iTunes Price: USD 17.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 19.99
From 2 Ratings


Based on real-life accounts by former French spies, The Bureau tells the story of a man torn between love and loyalty, in a world where a single lie can kill. When French intelligence officer Guillaume "Malotru" Debailly (Mathieu Kassovitz) returns to Paris after six years as an undercover agent in Syria, he struggles to reconnect with his daughter, ex-wife, colleagues and even, his old self. But after learning that his lover in Syria (Nadia, played by Zineb Triki), is now in Paris, Guillaume breaks agency rules and approaches her as the man he was in Damascus: Paul Lefebvre. As Guillaume begins living a double life, he opens himself up (and DGSE) to new and unprecedented dangers.


Title Time Price
1 Episode 1 54:30 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Episode 2 53:48 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Episode 3 55:04 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Episode 4 54:44 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Episode 5 54:24 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Episode 6 51:37 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Episode 7 55:18 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Episode 8 55:34 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Episode 9 55:11 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Episode 10 54:18 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Season 1 Trailer 01:53 Free Buy on iTunes



  • A Realistic outlook of the inner workings of how human intelligence collection works!

    By Sobe Skywalker
    Finally a realistically accurate portrayal of how international espionage and the respective spy agencies of various nations (mainly the highly secretive French human intelligence collection services conduct their various operations). It will always keep you guessing. It never succumbs to the stereotypical trappings of the crowd pleasing bang boom car chases and explosions that riddle modern day espionage movie genres. This series is so unpredictably cleverly thought out. Finally a series that depicts the very difficult task of planning deep cover intelligence operations and the unsurmountable pressure and fear some of these deep cover agents in hostile territories have to overcome. Character development is also perfectly executed. You’ll develop feelings for each and every main character. If you like James Bond flicks well you’ll love this series, only here none of the chivalry, glamour nor fantasy like and larger than life gazillionaire bad guy. Here you’ll be biting your nails perhaps even a finger or two while stressing the outcome of some of the predicaments our favorite characters find themselves in. Go ahead!!! Do dare to binge watch a French speaking excellent TV series. Which happens to be produced by the leading French production house Canal+ which is also a veteran producer of countless Hollywood movie productions you have seen multiple times but never thought how the production was a French company. So go for it, indulge yourselves to four seasons of intriguing espionage twist and turns without a single dull moment.
  • Possibly my Favorite

    By Silviut
    *Would be nice to have French subs option as I'm trying to learn French. I am a big fan of spy shows, going back to even Magnum PI, Burn Notice and more recently, Homeland. When I discovered Le Bureau I was really excited to see how well and how do I put this...un-dramatically, even clinically, realistic it was. The show keeps getting better, too. Very impressed.
  • 5 Starts

    By ablatriki
    Incredible show. Realistic and driven by human stories. Thank you for taking us on such a delicate ride. Slow paced at first, but that's exactly what makes this show worthy of your precious time. It's not here to capitalize on quick emotions and predictable plots. It seeks to transport you and build up a poignant suspense - that I believed was a forgotten art. Thank you for proving us wrong! Season 3 asap.
  • Such a captivating show

    By me_art
    After a couple of episodes things pick up and you can't put it down. Really great characters, slow action but intensive, great acting and writing. Makes you wonder who signs up for a stressful spy life like this, and then you think about the intensity and high that comes with it.
  • Fanatastic show

    By 21Maplewood
    Riveting, intelligent, and wonderfully acted show. BUT WHERE IS SEASON 2??? Season 3 is already in production...
  • Amazing

    By Bibi Alamiri
    Please give us season 2 of this stunning show ASAP!
  • Le Bureau

    By Luchodelacruz
    Great acting...realism...
  • Subtitles should be optional

    By russian_vladi
    Can anyone tell me how to turn off the subtitles? Really annoying that it isn't an option. I'm fluent in French and it's a huge distraction
  • Riveting!

    By em_victoria_j
    Love this tv show! It is better than any crime show I’ve seen— it keeps you on the edge of your seat and has a degree of realism and emotional intelligence that is difficult to find in this genre without seeming overdone.
  • Trés Bon

    By Weyland-Yutani
    Like so many dramas developed in the Britain and France, this show excels at character development, dialog, and plot intricacy over gun fights and car chases. The portrayal of the DGSE as a small shop heavy on trade-craft made it extremely believable to me as did the portrayal of agents, operatives, and targets as real people. The switching between French, Arabic, and Persian was interesting. There were a few humorous bits, especially the inexact translation of cursing in Farsi (oui, je parle Farsi.) Of course, as in all French dramas, there was a behind-the-scenes conspiracy. Don’t be turned off by the subtitles. I highly recommend this show.