The Good Wife, Season 7

The Good Wife, Season 7

The Good Wife

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2015-10-04
  • Advisory Rating: TV-14
  • Episodes: 23
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 19.99
From 602 Ratings


Alicia attempts to revive her struggling law career by once again starting her own law firm, this time with the assistance of Jason Crouse (new cast member Jeffrey Dean Morgan), a calm, experienced investigator whom she hires. Also, to help with his Presidential campaign, Peter engages Ruth Eastman (Margo Martindale, recurring), a national strategist who hides her intelligence and cunning under a fake, folksy charm, creating an interesting dynamic with Eli in the process. In addition, Cush Jumbo joins the cast as attorney Lucca Quinn.


Title Time Price
1 Bond 43:45 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Innocents 43:45 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Cooked 43:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Taxed 43:18 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Payback 43:47 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Lies 43:51 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Driven 43:36 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Restraint 43:30 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Discovery 43:51 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 KSR 43:53 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Iowa 43:53 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 Tracks 43:52 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
13 Judged 43:54 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
14 Monday 43:46 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
15 Targets 43:22 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
16 Hearing 40:30 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
17 Shoot 43:11 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
18 Unmanned 43:00 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
19 Landing 43:04 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
20 Party 43:23 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
21 Verdict 43:15 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
22 End (The Good Wife Series Finale) 43:24 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
23 Season 6 Recap 03:12 Free Buy on iTunes



  • I love this serie

    By Witiwiu
    I was a really good serie, the complete 7 seasons are great.
  • Worth watching, heartbreaking to invest in

    By GottRyce
    This show had it all, the writing and actors. Then one fine day they decide to end it. The last episode will upset you as a true fan. Horrible final episode.

    By retrogirlnika
  • Good Show

    By anastasiaconto
    I have watched it every week from day one and I’ve loved it. I will watch it to its very last show, but it is getting kind of … for lack of a better word I will say..slow.
  • Too "Politically Correct"

    By PrettySmartDelta
    YES, the show was really boring with S6 and the state's attorney race that the lead character ended up LOSING!!! And I always found the Kalinda character to be a joke, and that whispery-Monroe thing she does is absolutely ANNOYING as was the back and forth romances between a man then a woman then a man then a woman. I don't know any bisexuals, but is THIS what it is like for you all?!?!? If so, then I feel so bad for you. The fact that the only wealthy black regular on the show was cast as A DRUG DEALER is so very offensive. What is this, 1970? I mean seriously, this plot was straight out of an American black exploitation film--does the creator of this show realise that about 15 million American blacks are middle-class to affluent, with about 40K being millionaires and another 5 million being lower-middle class/working-class/"okay" financially???? I work with nothing but affluent blacks of Atlanta & Dallas, so if he hasn't gotten this memo--can someone please send the moron a memo??? Chicago and especially even more so the Atlanta area, from my international travels, has some of the most well-to-do blacks in that country but most showcased on episodes are poor or criminals--yet the non-black meth addicts of rural Illinois and neighboring Indiana were never visited as characters??? Mmmkay! And Will being gone was queer at first, but I thought handled very well unitil S6. But for the love of Peter, Paul, & Mary could you reviewers please stop with the "PC" comments???!!?? Because frankly, to some of you but not all, "politically correct" means not being able to use the N-word or call your wives a female canine....FYI, refraining from these offensive verbiage traps are not political correctness, but CIVILITY & HUMANITY! However I was raised in Europe so, yeah, there's that.
  • A strong season so far

    By Utterguz
    An up-swing to be sure, with the character development (for better or worse), and the addition of Cush Jumbo.
  • Newbies

    By MaxstersMom
    Thank you for adding the investigator (Jason) and partner (Lucca) to the mix. These characters adds intrigue, fun and interest back to the show I started to watch years ago. The mojo is back, I have something to look forward to in each week’s episode.
  • Still Good

    By Citizen Sane
    Last season was bad and boring, this season is better, the show is still very good, but of course, the show no longer has Calinda and Will. Alicia has no personal life to speak of, and I can’t figure out what she is still doing helping out her slob of a husband. Now the show is so political…. unfortunately last season they really blew it with that county attorney's race which no one cared about. Does Alicia have any emotions left? She doesn’t show them at all. She is blank.
  • On the up

    By rkdm1313
    This season has picked up again, one of the few shows I watch.
  • Still worth watching

    By Gomozio
    Still one of the best drama shows on tv.