This screwball comedy follows a young couple who discover a secret room filled with cash while house-sitting for celebrity friends who die under mysterious circumstances while overseas…but can they make a clean get a way with the money?
Such Good People
By Pressiepoo
Ironic title isn’t it? People with such good intentions more like. It baffles me when there is a budget for names, good lighting design, good sound-things that are usually absent from gay cinema-and there is NO sense of direction, a terribly flawed/pandering script and editing that looks like some kid who’s just discovered iMovie has gotten a hold of it. Honestly. What are you thinking GAY HOLLYWOOD?!?!! GET IT TOGETHER!!! For #$&%* sake, we don’t have that many movies to choose from as it is. GET IT TOGETHER.
Great Movie!
By Just4David
Its a really cute movie, with some laugh out loud moments.