An uproarious cross-dressing comedy, First Period follows a new girl and an outcast as the most awkward girls in high school. Together, they set out to take over the annual talent contest and win over the whole school.
Praise Be Unto Cassie Glenn!
By andylfwegg
For an independent project, this movie is hoppin'! And what a fantastic project that allows for a reliving of pre-Y2K styles! The movie itself had me in stitches on the ground. One of those good laughs where tears start rolling down your face. Thank you B.A. III and D.B. for such amazing performances. I wait on pins and needles for a sequel!
"Sh*t in the pool!"
By Matthew Rojas
SOOO funny
I watch this plenty of times, never fails to make me laugh
Totally rockin superstar extraordinaire. You're welcome.
By CGPearson
If you love drag, 80's camp, raunchy, fast-paced, smart humor and just the right amount of oddball heart you need to watch "First Period." It's simultaneously a brilliant parody of, and homage to, 80's pop culture.
I just finished it. Can't believe it took me so long to see it. It is campy genius.
Thank you for a hilariously amazing ride.
You’re Welcome
By dogdocla
A campy, fun and slightly tragic high school adventure of two young women (played by two dudes in their 30’s) who are just trying to fit in. They are rejected by their peers, abused by their teachers and ignored by their principal, but they push onward in friendship nonetheless. They triumph in the end, delivering a heartfelt message about maintaining one’s self-esteem in the world.
"You're welcome!"
By Plutodrive79
This movie is one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time. Think John Hughes meets John Waters doing Strangers with Candy and a little Teen Witch flair for good measure.
80's Camp At It's Best
By MST3Kguy
Saw this movie at a festival and loved it instantly. The acting, writing, and directing are all top-notch. Super fun and campy and love all of the 80's references.
Fun movie!
By igazpacha
I saw this at Q Fest in Long Beach and had a great time. The cast is a delightful and it’s silly good fun.