
  • Genre:
  • Release Date:
  • Advisory Rating:
  • Runtime: 1h 36min




  • Dark Path

    By matty03
    A young postulant is sent out of the safety of her cloistered life to seek out her one living relation. She discovers much about her origin, her family and the modern life of early 1960's. This is a requirement for Ida before she can become a nun. Pawel Pawlikowski's film offers so much just beneath it's surface. This is a stunning film. It is near flawless.
  • There are subtitles

    By Budd12
    I do not understand all the complaints about there not being subtitles. I just watched it, and there are English subtitles. Maybe iTunes added them recently. Pretty decent movie.
  • Misleading Trailer - Bad Form

    By Maximus Cowbell
    The trailer had subtitles. I assumed the movie would be subtitled. Rented the movie - guess what? NO SUBTITLES! No iTunes declaration it was in only in Polish. I only understand English. Very misleading preview/trailer and disappointing. Normally I have positive experiences with iTunes. This time I feel ripped-off. False advertising = should be refunded my rental fee. Very bad form on iTunes part… Curious whether this review will be posted as that it gives iTunes a black eye.
  • Ida

    By arteacher10
    I hate it because I can't watch it. How do I get the subtitles?
  • Ida

    By Eponine15
    attention!!! It does not have subtitles and it is in Polish!!! Couldn’t watch 10 minutes of it.
  • No subtitles

    By Diggetydew
    Film looked beautiful but there were no subtitles and my Italian is rough -- no -- make that nonexistent. So couldn't watch the film
  • No way..

    By Nikos_1983
    Soooo boring...
  • Anti-Polish

    By Barbara Zalejski
    I am very disappointed with this movie. Catholics during the war were not killing Jews, but instead they were hiding them the best way they could putting themselves in grave danger. Also, the way that the scenes in the movie were ver anti-climaxtic, so you see a women jump out of a wind like its nothing, most of the time there are no emotion at all in the scenes. The main actress had no emotion and looked very depressed during whole movie. Maybe Pawel Pawlikowski should make a movie about 3,000 polish people being murdered by Nazis every day during the war.

    By tonester56
    I attempted to watch this film on iTunes rental but discovered that indeed there were no available English subtitles, the menu was grayed out. I contacted iTunes support and was told they had no reported problems with subtitles and was refunded the rental fee. I find it hard to believe they would not know this when there are numerous posts in this film's review section. Welcome to the Dark Side...
  • Best film I've ever seen

    By Grzegorz1980
    The role of communist judge played by a Polish actress Agata Kulesza is a masterpiece.
