While rescuing an American air crew captured by Mid-Eastern terrorists, Lieutenant Curran and his team of Navy SEALs discover evidence that the terrorists have come into possession of dangerous high-tech weapons.
Great action movie
By Wastintime
I love all the reviews bashing the movie for Disrespecting actual Navy SEALs... you do know it was written by a SEAL, right? This was the epitome of great action movies. Amazing cast, great lines, great action... wish they still made them like this.
This movie blows
By Scottydog95
This such disrespectful to the great men who are actually seals
what an awful and unreal guy movie
By Kenzi_e
they should have worn capes or tights.
This was lit
By yhhhduudud
Awesome I rented it and this lit and perfect for the 90’s a lit 90’s action movie
Good flick
By Usrs Gustav
This was a great film for its time. Charlie Sheen before he went nuts.