

By Brandon Cronenberg

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 2013-04-12
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 47min
  • Director: Brandon Cronenberg
  • Production Company: Alliance Films
  • Production Country: Canada
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 381 Ratings


Watch while in theaters! Syd March is an employee at a clinic that sells injections of live viruses harvested from sick celebrities to obsessed fans. Biological communion – for a price. Syd also supplies illegal samples of these viruses to piracy groups, smuggling them from the clinic in his own body. When he becomes infected with the disease that kills super sensation Hannah Geist, Syd becomes a target for collectors and rabid fans. He must unravel the mystery surrounding her death before he suffers the same fate.




  • Garbage

    By Victim 1,238
    What a terrible film. It is dull, long, and a waste of time. Good luck people, you'll need it. This would be a good solution for people who find it difficult to sleep.
  • Zzzzzzzz….

    By StDBda
    I was preparing myself for thriller/horror but found it so slow moving (albeit stylishly slow moving) that I couldn't keep my eyes open. Yes, some scenes made me gag a bit and others were a bit shocking, but there was only one five minute scene that made my heart beat faster.
  • Big Disappointment!

    By Dino Orlando
    I waited & was so psyched to rent this after seeing Trailer. I'm a big fan of father David Cronenberg's Early Horror works & thought this would be similar. I didn't get it! Maybe I have never been that big crazed a fan for anyone to take it to an extreme. It was boring & made mo sense to me. I did not care for or like any of the actors. A very disappointment for me.
  • DARKKKKK movie

    By dc72769
    Antiviral is a grotesque voyeurism into the depravity of the human mind. It takes a futuristic look at the celebrity/beauty & what depths people will go "to be and to feel" close to their idols.
  • Like nothing you have eve seen

    By Datflybody
    One of the most disgusting films I have ever seen, and I have seen some pretty nasty stuff. The ideas presented in this movie are so vile, so ghastly, but make for a very original movie. Those that did not appreciate the film don't understand the underlying themes being presented here; when idol worship goes too far, we are the only ones that lose. It's a great metaphor for our movie-star obsessed culture. Watch it with an open mind, and with a bottle of Pepto handy.
  • Strange...

    By sc1996
    Look, I understand the metaphor that this movie was offering, but I just think that it was kinda pointless to make a movie about it. Nothing really gets resolved by the end, there was no sense at all (a drug that MAKES you sick, really?), and it was pretty slow throughout. Yes, there's a reason why people are taking the drug to get sick, but it's a stupid reason and I doubt anyone would take it in real life. And the very last scene of this movie… what? But anyway, this movie is very interesting and pretty disturbing for the most part, so it's worth a rent if you enjoy slow-burners with some blood. It's like Contagion and Beyond the Black Rainbow had a baby, but it didn't come out completely functional.
  • Not very good... I've seen worse :/

    By tuffrog
    The only positive thing that I can really say about this movie is that the trailer was good enough to get me to rent it. Other than that the premise is very illogical if not unbelievable. If you want to see a slow to develop – never fully realized plot and what I think to be a pretentious “horror” movie that tries very hard to be gross then go ahead and rent this, but don’t say I did not warn you.
  • Matthew Barney Anyone

    By Cord2510
    It's a safe bet that someone who worked on Antiviral is a BIG fan of the artist Matthew Barney because much of the production design looks like it was lifted from his work. That said I think it is quite a good first outing for Cronenberg the younger. It has a wonderfully creepy tone and strong performances throughout.
  • Not unless you've got a strong stomache

    By TequilaOClock
    I get the metaphors but can we ease up on the gore please? I found this ponderous and gratuitously graphic. The notion of fans queuing up to buy their favorite celebrity pathogen was very clever and is disturbingly not beyond the realm of the possible. This promising idea was slain by the hard-to-watch graphic display of bodily fluids. I give it a thumbs down.
  • An inviting premis - not an inviting movie!

    By Igottapee
    The premis of sharing an illness with a celebrity seems somewhat far fetched when we as a society punish those who only stalk them. I also found the celebrity "meat" they ate also in the land of make believe. Stealing the celebrity virus using ones own body was only medicore entertaining. The final scene, while meant to be shocking...wasn't. I was left with that teenage term when one is trying to convey they ask "REALLY?" Here is my metaphor: Sadly, the story line was like being promised a nice breakfast but toast is all you were given. The acting was dry toast, with the director not sure which jam would improve the taste. Whats worse? I paid for the meal when I rented to movie. Stay away, plenty of other movies offering a buffet of delights using real meat!
