
  • Genre:
  • Release Date:
  • Advisory Rating:
  • Runtime: 1h 36min




  • Book > Movie

    By Lml12345
    The book is far superior to this film. There are a lot of subtleties that exist in the book that are presented too rushed in the movie and it comes across as forced and tacky. Perhaps it’s just too much content to fit gracefully into 2 hours, but given the choice, definitely read the book. There is a lot more explanation of Japanese culture and business practices, and the economic challenges the US was facing at the time. I even noticed that some of the sub elements of the plot (in the film) came across in little side dialogues that you really had to pay attention to in order to fully comprehend the storyline, whereas in the book everything unfolded much more naturally.
  • Great film based on Crichton’s novel

    By Anagnarosis
    Good script with great performances by Connery and Snipes. Represents quite well the mixture of fear, mystery and allure that comes from coming into contact with Japanese culture. Great film all around!
  • Many Little Somethings

    By Violent Lee
    This was one of my first tastes of Japanese culture. Since I live in Japan now, Rising Sun must have been pretty effective. Good performances from Snipes and Connery, and some star power in the smaller parts (Keitel, Buscemi). Spins a good yarn of a murder mystery that has always kept me engaged. Rising Sun is definitely a bit cheesy at times, but it's well worth a watch and is a movie I'm glad to find for a good price on iTunes.

    By Prophet Amos
    Even the great Sean Connery cannot save this film. The book was incredible.
  • Rising Sun

    By gDogatp
    Awesome film! Now, why a cant I buy it?!?!?
  • An effective film

    By Locktwiste
    I loved the dynamics of the story itself, but what I can't figure out is why iTunes doesn't have this for sale...?
