Jedi Junkies

Jedi Junkies

By Mark Edlitz

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2010-05-19
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 12min
  • Director: Mark Edlitz
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 8 Ratings


STAR WARS isn't just a series of films. It's an indelible part of the last thirty years of American culture, going far beyond mere entertainment. For some, its become a way of life. Join us as we profile a unique group of individuals whose love of STAR WARS goes well beyond mere movie fan. JEDI JUNKIES is a fun, affectionate and funny look at a series of people whose personal and professional lives were changed forever by this incredible franchise.



  • Sad

    By R-ratedmovielover
    I agree with 2manynicknames that it is just sad how people devout their lives to star wars not realizing there's actually much more things happening in the real world then in the mystical galaxy that is star wars
  • Sad

    By 2manynicknames
    Let me just qualify this statement by saying that I love the original star wars movies and that I have several star wars nerds as friends. That being said I have to say that the existence of this documentary makes me want to weep. The people in this movie say that they can admit to being certifiably insane because they are having fun. People, there's a world out there that's infinitely more complex and interesting than anything a sell-out of a filmmaker like George Lucas could ever create. Get a life!
  • Star wars

    By Dybarra81
    Great movie . If you love starwars you'll love this.
  • The Title says it ALL!

    By Kir Kanos
    And I thought that I used to be a big Star Wars fan. While the documentary is overall well done, the extremes to which some fans have gone to is unsettling to say the least. I don't know which is scarier, the LIFE ALTERING fortunes spent on every kind of Star Wars collectible or the people that have forever branded Star Wars images on their bodies. Collecting becomes an obsession and can be JUST like a drug. While I have made many friends through Star Wars conventions and fan groups and had some really good memories during that time, the obsession that is propegated by some of the members in the group is perhaps unhealthy. Yes, it could be worse than obsessing about a series of movies and unfortunately this is ALL some of these people have. Star Wars is fun and taken in the right context and inner sense of reality, a mental release for many and even healthy. However, it appears that the fanatical group is whom this movie was mostly made about. It was worth renting, just to remind myself that anything can be taken to extreme, especially Star Wars.
  • Have Jedi will Travel

    By Kmuzu
    Junkies is good fun and surprisingly imaginative. It makes you almost want to be a Star Wars fan .. almost. I would recommend seeing this documentary.
  • A quirky, wonderful film

    By rizenclyde
    I can't tell you how impressed I was with this film. Very cool. Totally not what I expected, but what a great story. The characters were wonderful!
  • If you are a Star Wars fan, watch this flick. If you just like good documentaries, watch this flick.

    By David Markson
    I heard about this movie online and found it here on iTunes. I had no idea people would do such crazy things because of their love of Star Wars. I mean, I consider myself a Star Wars fan but my friend who watched with me isn't, and even he loved it. This movie is funny, part of it is even a little sexy (but not too much for kids, at all) and the end kinda brought a tear to my eye. I wasn't too sure what i was in for but I not only got my money's worth for a $2.99 rental I'm buying it so I can watch it again with my other Star Wars fan friends. Viva la Jedi Junkies!
  • Very funny and sexy movie about Star Wars fans

    By Ben Bruskin
    I loved, loved this movie!!! It's a very funny look at some extreme Star Wars fans. And because of the footage of the women dressed as Slave Leia it's also very sexy. But more than that I found the film to be very sweet and respectful look at these fans. There's the guy who build a life size Millenium Falcon in his backyard. There's the group of fans called the NY Jedi who practice their lighsaber battles every days. Of course, there are some actors from the Star Wars movies interviewed. And lets not forget Olivia Munn from Attack of the Show. I thought the movie was very entertaining and very fun. Had a blast watching it. Highly recommended!!!
