David Andrews is a young man of the future whose robot/companion suffers an internal meltdown. To replace the parts, Andrews must enter the lawless zone, where he is forced to team up with a real woman when his life is threatened.
By Yeti8me69
Cheezy wardrobe , effects , and acting . Yet it's a great old classic . I remember it from when it was first released and still like to go back and watch it .
A Real “Killer” B Movie (one of 237!)
By D. Scott Apel
This review is an excerpt from my book “Killer B’s: The 237 Best Movies On Video You’ve (Probably) Never Seen,” which is available as an ebook on iBooks. If you enjoy this review, there are 236 more like it in the book (plus a whole lot more). Check it out!
CHERRY 2000: Cherry (Gidley) is the perfect wife: beautiful, loving, devoted, sexy—until she gets soap in her system and shorts out her circuits. Sam (Andrews) will do anything to replace her, but in this post-collapse America of 2017, sexbots like the Cherry 2000 just aren’t manufactured anymore. Oh, sure, a few still remain in a warehouse out in the badlands, but only the best Tracker could ever find them. So dedicated Sam finds the best Tracker, E. Johnson (Griffith). She’s willing to go into the dangerous no-man’s land and retrieve a Cherry chassis—but only if Sam rides shotgun. They’ve got to get past Lester (Thomerson), self-proclaimed judge, jury and executioner of Zone 7, and (Sam’s informed) “a total wacko.” Can they avoid his fatal faux ‘50s compound, grab a Cherry and escape intact? And once Sam gets a taste of real life, real adventure—and of E. Johnson, a real woman—can he overcome his Barbie fetish?
Discussion: Most science fiction asks only that you “suspend your disbelief.” Um—get yourself a pair of suspenders to watch this one... DeJarnatt (“Miracle Mile,” another title in my book “Killer B’s”) has always had a strange sci-fi vision (and an obsession with Las Vegas); this fun little film is by turns sci-fi spoof, Western send-up and post-apocalyptic adventure flick parody. It’s full of plot holes and bad acting, but with all its faults, it’s still worth watching, primarily as a visual treat. DeJarnatt located (and created) some striking and truly unusual locations: desert excavations, a sand-subsumed Vegas, and the most gargantuan drainpipe imaginable (the scene lowering their car into the latter is an eye-popper).
It’s also a very funny film: In this surreal, bizarro retro-future, cobbled together from 50 years of 20th century detritus, the single biggest industry is recycling, for instance. And it’s full of inside jokes (Robbie and Gort both make cameos in the robot repair shop—and Sam hails from Anaheim, home of Disneyland’s robotic Abe Lincoln). Equal parts “Blade Runner,” “Raiders of the Lost Ark” and “Road Warrior”—and lampooning them all—it’s an oddball entry good for some weird, warped, mindless fun.
Cherry 2000
By Oscar 2011
Discover a cult classic. If you liked the 80's you'll enjoy this. It will take you back. A perfect late evening escape.
This is vintage late 80's, playful sci-fi futurism set in not terribly distant L.A.
Reminded me of Robocop and Mad Max. Low budget but perfect for its intent.
P.S. Guys. Melanie Griffith. Oo la la.
I agree!!! - FINALLY!!
By budugirl
This movie is really good! Give it a try! Les says: "Keep the sun out of your eyes and be yourself." Watch this movie!!
Thank you iTunes....Finally
By Geenbean
this is (cult) classic 80's sci-fi, melanie griffith is soooo hot, classic love story between robot or real, who will win ???? watch and find out, its a fun ride LoL