A 92-minute documentary, directed by Emmett Malloy, also containing live footage from The White Stripes Canadian tour. A rare and personal perspective into The White Stripes.
By Sharp Dressed man
If you do not like the white stripes, than you are biased and can not rate this film.
Jack white is good at bowling
By Metrostar 57
By dhervella
The movie was amazing, it really protrayed a side of the white stripes that is not usually seen, and on top of that you got to hear meg sing on one of the songs! My only issue is that it seems my favorite song, 300 MPH outpour blues, was cut out of this version! Whats up with that, I was looking forward to it so badly! Anyway is was so worth buying, its a movie any stripes fan should watch. Done. Buy it.
Great Movie
By johnpm57
This movie made me even more inspired to be
best music doc of all time!!!
By mburr1
Having never had the chance to see the white stripes live this is just what I needed to convince me that jack and meg are pure musical geniouses. Seriously this film blew my mind. Great work, and please please keep making music! it makes me happy!
The White Stripes at their best
By kjsfnnvsaljfd
I loved it. Absolutely loved it! I think that this not only showed us some of the best performances that the stripes have ever given, but it showed us what it's like for the white stripes behind the curtain, and That's exactly what I expected, and it's exactly what I got
haven't seen it
By SynysterGates9496
I love the white stripes but Jack whyte is weird for saying that Meg was his sister
Loved It !!
By Beth Ciske
I loved it!! I think that anyone who is a fan should see this..I wasn't disappointd at all!!
By Reviewer M
I'm a huge stripes fan and after the end scene with Jack and Meg playing "White Moon", I want Jack to leave the dead weather and come back to the white stripes.
Simply amazing!
By M. Rex
This documentary is not for people who have simply heard of the stripes, it's for people who are in love with them. For those of us who know a lot about them already this documentary is like the cherry on top. It explains (loosely) megs breakdown and gives some understanding of how jacks mind operates. I loved it! A special treat to stripes fans everywhere!