
  • Genre:
  • Release Date:
  • Advisory Rating:
  • Runtime: 1h 36min




  • Don't believe the hype.

    By bobert74
    I realize that our judicial system isn't the best and there are people on death row or in prison that are innocent and don't belong there. He isn't one of them.
  • Waste of time AND money.

    By A Beauty and The Business
    One this movie is horribly made. Two this movie was a waste of time to make because there is no room for doubt. I don't doubt him for one moment that he didn't kill that police officer. Because he did. This just proves that movie stars neec to butt out of this and stop trying to make other's think he's not guilty. PS Don't buy ben & jerry's ice cream anymore. They support him, and send money to him for lawyers.
  • compelling and provocative.......

    By ?The Who?
    beyond reasonable doubt has not been established but convincingness of the moment has due to his skin color , intelligence and political affiliation, the latter of which supposedly gives credence to a 800 pg document detailing his movements since he was 15 yo.....Mumia was denied due process under law not only for adequate representation but even the right for self-representation....shoddy police work/amateurish forensics...witness tampering....officers of the court making a mockery of the process they're sworn to uphold......."seldom see the truth for what it is but many see the truth as they are"
  • good film

    By therealangryredman
    Too much reasonable doubt. It's a shame that this man sits on death row for this long even though the whole world knows he's just in prison for being an outspoken black man. Funk the racist police and the unjust system that put him in prison.

    By abzxaoz
    His continued imprisonment is an atrocity of justice. Subscribe to his podcast and continue to petition his release. (NOTE: I have not seen this movie)
  • doubt?

    By ninja252
    no doubt at all, he should have been put to death decades ago
  • The Evidence is Clear

    By sam anarchy
    There is not a doubt in my mind he Mumia is innocent.
  • He is guilty

    By setec
    Don't let this "documentary" full you. He is guilty.
