A mild-mannered baker (Ron Perlman) must resurrect his violent past in order to rescue his estranged son from the mob and protect his granddaughter from the hitmen sent to find her.
90s action throwback!!
By jinxxx
Great time. Fun and throwback style film!
By kauaiboy50
i rather drag my balls through a mile of glass and listen to lizzo fart over a loud speaker than have to suffer through this movie again. horrible acting from a horrible infdividual
Clown actor
By RewindIllmatic
Such a clown actor, has the intelligence of joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg. Shame a grown man acting like this.
Pearlman is a loser
By TurboRouter
People like him are what’s wrong with Hollywood. His breed is dying breed and it’s a good thing. Top doochebag award would go to him right behind DeZero and Will Smith. There’s the door buddy.
Put A Fork In Ron
By Bigdunn22
Someone forgot to tell Ron he was not on the set of SOA. I thought he was gonna start making out with his son cause he thought it was Jax. Sad old feeble man. He’s done.
Terrible Acting
By ELP 69X
This was one of the worst movies ever. What ever happened to creativity.
Don’t waste you time or money
By kajjii
Not worth it
Derivative Crap
By Itsmericci
Liked this movie better the first time when it was called “Every Action Movie Ever”.
Good “B” movie
By FirstAtTheScene
Not sure what’s up with the trolls who disparaged the movie, script and acting. I enjoyed it. Not your usual RP movie, but I thought the casting and script was good. Not great, but good.
Bad acting
By mmnnmmnn
Good premise and decent storyline, but the acting was atrocious