Set in WWII, a squad of U.S. African American soldiers are sent on a rescue mission behind enemy lines to locate their lost commanding officer and a downed fighter pilot.
Come Out Fighting
By Jesse1953
I got about 30-minutes into the movie and that was about it for me. Despite the potential of the original “plot” of rescuing a downed pilot and the actors, the movie became more of a lesson of racism in the military during WWII than a rescue mission of a White pilot by a squad of Black soldier’s. There were a lot of other things wrong as well, the “stiffness” of the acting, equipment looking like it was new and just a lack of “something” one expects from a WWII movie, especially with the caliber of actors involved.
Good stars
By Regens1974
Good special affects.. Great display for that time of war.
By I eat books
A B movie of the worst order. Terrible horrible abominable acting. Embarrassed
for the cast who had to take part in this farce