Is Donald Trump fit to hold the office of President of the United States? An eye-opening analysis of Trump by leading US mental health professionals and Republican strategists, on the record for the record. Science. Truth. Duty to Warn.
Political garbage
By Rich Becker
Somebody made a negative political advertisement and then convinced people to pay to watch it.
Democrats are anti American scmbgs
By Jack F Burton
I would like to hear all the liberal @@$holes now as the Commie Democrats are destroying the country. Everything they do is right out of the communist manifesto. Go look it up you Democrat boot lickers
Completely lacking academic regimen
By Carioca1980
A-historical garbage
Leftist mush
By Jerk-182
The greatest pornography for deranged lunatics. The left and democrats are hilarious. Women don’t even have to signup for the draft and still get to vote us into one. What kind of toxic feminism is that
Pure misinformation
By Rusty Dusty Rusty
Save your money
Would give 0 if I could
By JudenBear
Sadly can’t go any lower. Obviously fabricated, one sided opinions.
Aged terribly
By Sea of Mud
Had to watch it with some friends who are absolutely Trump haters. Even they could see through the misrepresentations & distorting of facts (that have now been proven so). One even commented, “Is this what we sounded like?” In short it has had the reverse effect they had intended.
A lot of maga tears will come from this
By Dun Poke Mah Phone
Pretty much a film about what we already knew about a con man brainwashing people to enrich himself
So dumb
By NewsJunkie1984
Makes zero sense as a movie
By leonel29
Let's see...people rating this at 2 1/2 stars, itunes has it for sale for $1.99, but Rotten Tomatoes with has a rating of 81%? How does it make sense that a movie with this high of a critical acclaim is pretty much being given away? It doesn't! Just like the movie. Pure conjecture!