God's Not Dead 2

God's Not Dead 2

By Harold Cronk

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2016-04-01
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 2h 0min
  • Director: Harold Cronk
  • Production Company: Pure Flix Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 406 Ratings


When high school history teacher Grace Wesley (Melissa Joan Hart) is asked a question about Jesus in class, her reasoned response lands her in deep trouble. The ensuing epic court case could expel God from the classroom-and the public square-once and for all! GOD'S NOT DEAD 2 is a powerful call to action. Where will you stand?




  • Great Movie

    By Tay J
    This is an uplifting movie with a great story that wasn’t dull. Truly unforgettable. Highly recommend
  • This movie is great

    By The originals are the best
    I love this movie!!!
  • Herbivores exec rvcecwdwcecrcww

    By gtfjbxzwc j rcectby
  • Great message

    By GQPinoy
    Builds on the first one.
  • Great Movie

    By was937
    Love the stand that this movie takes for people of faith. It’s perfectly acceptable to be a teacher, engineer, doctor, reporter, or any other professional to share their belief in Jesus. We are allowed to talk about our faith. This movie articulates the law well. God’s Not Dead.
  • God's Not Dead 2

    By Player5834
    We were made to watch this movie in my Bible class at my Christian school. I have never felt so much rage at a movie before. This 2 hour sermon is super unrealistic. This movie was only made to capitilize on the profits of the first, and I have no respect for how they (Pure Flix) choose to do it.
  • Why I Still Watch

    By Aqua62
    It's still possible to find a worthy movie with something good to say about good people struggling with hard choices. This is a great story. Important topic. What does freedom mean? We all have our beliefs. How firm are they? Do we respect those held by others? This movie tells the tale.
  • Hmm

    By Medic1138
    This is a hard movie for me to review. I'm not religious by any means nor am I an Atheist. Most opinions I see here are completely subjective wth no attempt at objectivity. Their approval of the movie appears to be based solely on their personal opinion regarding its message. These are not valid arguments to support the pressing question of whether or not God is Not Dead 2 succeeds as a film. I think it was made for an intended audience, not to make Atheists into believers. It's intent is to showcase their perception of the hostility progressives have toward religion, specifically Christianity. They feel their faith is under siege by an increasingly virulent opposition to the values they hold dear. Whether or not I agree is immaterial. Does it deliver? I'd be inclined to say it does but just barely. It's very on the nose and its heavy handedness is often eye roll inducing. It's two hours long yet the loose ends created by a very shaggy storyline remain frustratingly un tied. Characters are introduced, at times it's confusing as to why they are even in the story at all, and never brought full circle. Melissa Joan Hart, who I admire very much, appears to be a spectator in what turns out to be a very unconvincing and predictable court room drama. She hardly does or says anything in the movie except to sit and look worried, or sad, or contemplative. A film's protagonist should have much more presence than she is allowed. But I guess as a movie made by Christian and for Christians, this could suffice as good entertainment. Deep faith would surely excuse a less than stellar storyline. It delivers on its intended premise but for everyone else I don't think I could reccomend it.
  • GOD is NOT dead!!

    By Audrey parish
    God is not dead !! God is alive and sees EVERY SINGLE THING!! Anyone who has not accepted Jesus Christ as their lord and savior needs to so they will not spend eternity in HELL !!!! If you except Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior then you will spend eternity with Jesus Christ in the eternity with Satan in the Devils in Hell!!✝️✝️💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻🛐🛐💜💜❣️
  • Good Premise and Story, Ok execution.

    By turtlepower22
    I am a believer in Jesus Christ and I enjoyed this movie for what it was. Often these movies are a bit cheesy and I expected it to be. While I like how they connect the story, I found myself thinking some of these scenes felt a little forced. The interaction with Brooke and Martin, and the NewsBoys with Amy. The scenes just seemed to promote the message rather than be part of the movie, kind of breaking the fourth wall but unintentionally. Yes this is a faith based film, yes sharing the gospel can happen and be conveyed awkwardly, but again it seemed more like a pitch or advertisement rather than a genuine part of the story. The crux or reason this story is happening however, I felt was delivered well, and the end of the courtroom before the deliberation was the best scene in my opinion both from the lawyer and witness performance.