Duran Duran Unstaged is a multimedia event that takes the audience on a cinematic journey with one of the most successful acts in the world during their performance at the Mayan Theater in Los Angeles. Directed by David Lynch.
By Tatocharrua
I love them , I really do and I gave them 5 star for that and!,... and for the performance itself. But Why!!. Why you have decided to put this magnificent concert on the “creativity” hands of this person. He literally destroy the pleasure we all deserve to have to seat on our Sofa and watch this show. Los amo y gracias por hacer que mi adolescencia fuera maravillosa.
5 star music 1 star on Lynch
By mcac2010
I think there is something wrong with David Lynch. What he does to this great live performance is insane. Non stop flashing black and white, bizarre images just a mess. The band sounds great but it is almost unwatchable.
Pass the Aspirin!!
By Tippy the Turtle
Do not get me wrong I like Duran Duran but, how the movie is made it messes with eyes and gives headaches…..Wish they would of just filmed the band without them in black and white lensing and all them flashing filming….
Best of both worlds
By Mondaymoon
My all time favorite band and one of my favorite directors coming together is like a dream come true!