The interwoven story of a couple's youthful passion and ambition with a portrait of a marriage, thirty-plus years later—a lifetime's shared compromises, secrets, betrayals, and mutual love.
Quality acting & filmmaking
By MacMan9876
Beautifully done film. I’m heart-broken that the Oscar did not go to Glenn Close for her performance in this movie. But I congratulate her on her well-deserved nomination. Job extremely well done.
Close Sold Out
By twistedyoga
Well, I guess Glenn Close didn't sell out, but her character did. I think her performance {note to director} could have been more dramatic - we all know she is capable of much more. Damages {5 star}, Fatal Attraction {5 star} ... she's got it in her ... but the director {or maybe the script} didn't bring it to surface. So, I'm thinking the part wasn't the best for her and could have been represented better by someone with less fire. When I see Glenn, I wanna see that spark!
By MomoTera
Glenn Close is indeed brilliant.
Awesome film
By eSamouraï
I really enjoyed this film from beginning to end. It's well written and the actors are strong.
Close Call
By 2xist
This was Glen Closes film.
Definitely the stand out, the ACTOR, the driver and puller.
Robbed of a title but not an accomplishment.
Of course beautiful story writing and direction.
Thank you Glen,
Enjoyed it Universally.
I have no idea...
By movie-critique
I have no idea why Close didn't get an Oscar for this. The story itself might be absurd but Close's performance is astonishing.
By GitaLover53
I had no expectations of this movie and was blown away. What an incredible film. The acting is spectacular, the story compelling. Every moment of the film needs to be paid attention to. The story had me intrigued. I loved it.
jaw dropping
By East Coast Cindilu
Glenn Close is mesmerizing in this film. I loved this movie for it's depth, on many levels. I am a huge fan of Glenn Close, she is just so audacious as an actress. I always get lost in her characters.
Glen Close was outstanding!I
By kthomson49
She deserved Best Actress as the long suffering wife of author Joseph Castleman. Set in beautiful Stockholm, the movie takes an unusual turn of events. Beautiful ending on the plane. It's poignant with flawed characters and well worth watching.
So Predicble
By Uncle NormanR
This movie had great opportunity and the potential to be truly a wonderful movie. However, the plot line was 110% predictable and the movie never got going. At the end of the day everything that happened you would assume would happen based on the plotline of the movie. It was a tragically is average airplane rental movie on my iPad. I Kinda think I wasted my money.