

By Taryn Brumfitt

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2017-02-07
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 26min
  • Director: Taryn Brumfitt
  • Production Company: Body Image Movement
  • Production Country: Australia
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 38 Ratings


When body image activist Taryn Brumfitt posted an unconventional before-and-after photo in 2013, it was seen by more than 100 million people worldwide and sparked an international media frenzy. In her forceful debut, Brumfitt continues her crusade exploring the global issue of body loathing, inspiring us to change the way we think about ourselves and feel about our bodies. Throughout her journey, she travels the world to interview an impressive range of women including talk show host Ricki Lake; Mia Freedman: the youngest ever editor of Australian Cosmopolitan; Harnaam Kaur: the bearded dame; UK talk show host/photographer Amanda de Cadenet; German actress Nora Tschirner; Professor Marika Tiggemann; body image blogger Jes Baker (a.k.a. The Militant Baker); and motivational speaker Turia Pitt.




  • Thank you

    By JoeRussell
    Watched this with my wife tonight. Very inspiring. Love that this is a thing.
  • life changing

    By winstonalwayswins
    Please watch. I feel free and inspired.
  • Fat shaming bigots rally

    By Al.K.
    ...those who would fat shame others need to shut their pie holes. Being slightly over weight is much more rewarding than spending all your time trying to obtain the unobtainable. I love and care for my wife deeply, given the body sacrifice she has made to bear my children, i find her shape perfect and i live to touch her. The ugliness of the fat shamers is hideous.
  • I'm out of prison!

    By Stacie296
    ... my food prison that is. This documentary embraces all of the ideology I have come to know in the last 4 years. I used to be what you would call a disordered eater. I was determined to do everything possible to meet the skinny ideals my culture had set before me. But I finally got so sick and tired of that lifestyle, I decided to do something about it. I began intuitive eating counseling and have never looked back. I feel so much more balanced now. Yes, I might weigh a little bit more on the scale, but my stress over food is gone. And if stress is at the root of 80% of our medical problems, I'd rather carry around a few extra pounds. I used to think that if I let go of all my restriction, I would eat chocolate cake all day long and gain so much weight I would end up in the hospital. Nothing could be further from the truth. I now eat vegetables because I naturally crave them and donuts no longer have power over me. I never thought I could be here. Please don't listen to the reviews of those who have succumbed to the lies of our culture. Yes, there are people who are fat because they are emotionally eating due to some area of brokenness (and have compassion for them, as you don't understand their pain). However, there are others who are just created larger and are perfectly healthy. This is where our culture has lied to people and created such an unhealthy epidemic we call dieting. I also have empathy for those who are still stuck in the dieting world. That was me so I totally get it. I hope we can truly learn to embrace something different. And I believe this documentary is part of our journey toward healing.
  • From a real human

    By scubajosh
    Loved this film. I'm not a fan of obesity or unhealthy lifestyles. I loved the insights of this film. It's a film following the life of a woman that had a great figure, gained weight after having children, lost all the weight and was still unhappy. Now she has a more balanced outlook on her body and understands that thin does not equate with happiness. She has gained some weight back but is still very active and healthy. How can you call someone fat that can run (and complete) a marathon? I want every woman to watch this film and all they guys that hate on them to realize that a woman's body is not about you. If you are healthy and able to life the life you want, then you should be confident and that is the most beautiful thing a lady can be.
  • Love this❤️

    By Whohowwhatnow
    Every woman should see this. Maybe a few men too!
  • Embrace - Lovely

    By Coco 1000
    I'm certain those that have rated this movie with one star, with comments that this documentary encourages overeating and unhealthy habits (and that's a polite description of their reviews) have not watched the movie. If they have, then they're profoundly disconnected from their own bodies and hearts. This movie is lovely, smart, inspired and inspiring. I am grateful to everyone involved with it's creation. Thank you! Watch it!
  • Inspiring

    By KTanne2686
    This video portrayed so many thoughts I've been having but had a hard time vocalizing. I'm behind this message 100%! I've embraced!!
  • Bravo

    By Mark Dooley
    Saw this film in Auckland. Was moved to tears during the screening, and afterwards at the Q & A. This issue of body hatred is at epidemic proportions (no pun intended). The fact that this issue is worldwide, means it is a human issue. Please show this to your children, then have a conversation about it afterwards. This film does not say "eat whatever you want, and never exercise", it is quite the opposite. It simply says (to me), just be kinder to yourself and your feelings about your body. That's all. Beautifully made, brilliantly told AND Made in Australia!
  • What's the TRUTH?

    By Your Expedition Guide
    This is not an argument about which is better fat or skinny. This is global advocacy for truth. When we come into alignment with our worth and value as women regardless of shape, size or scars we step into our brilliance and can truly make a meaningful impact on the earth. Loving ourselves changes everything and becomes the pebble in the pond that makes all the difference. This is a powerful work. Thank you for your courage to stand for truth!!
